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What is Padlet about?. 
Padlet is like paper for your screen. Start with an empty page and then put whatever you like on it. Upload a video, record an interview, snap a selfie, write your own text posts or upload some documents, and watch your padlet come to life. Once others add to it, the page will update in real time.
Used by teachers, students, professionals, and individuals of all ages, all around the world, the Padlet app is the easiest way to create and collaborate wherever you are. Padlet supports any file type you can imagine, from Spotify Playlists to Excel Spreadsheets. Upload a link and watch a detailed preview appear. Organize the content in any format you like - whether you prefer a grid of images or a chronological scroll.
The Padlet app makes it easy to collaborate in any setting. With views tailored for smaller devices and easy-to-use editor buttons, you can change how your padlet looks with a quick double tap. Add photos from your camera roll, or take a video and upload it instantly. Use our QR reader to access a shared padlet. Share across social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. People are using Blogs, Creative Writing prompt, digital bulletin board, collaborative note.

For the very first time, I use Padlet.com during my phycology course in UNITAR.  Of course, I was struggling at first but with the help of my friends and lecture, I manage to adapt.  Each of us can comment or reply to the work of another friend or add a new stand on the topic that is introduced. Now I found its so useful apps to share our opinion, discuss a topic so easy to communicate although we busy.  Let's see how to upload the apps...
1.  Go to Google...(type in How to install padlet)
2.  Look for Padlet-Apps on Google Play.
3.  Than click Install
4. Then to Google to sign in with your email and password.
5.  once you create an account.. u can start to use the padlet.com.
