Creating and Integrating Blendspace lesson with Google Classroom

Blend space help to solve a lot of problems created by students such as loss of paper, forgotten assignment and missed learning due to absenteeism.
Hi, there is a very first time I learn how to use blend space for my teaching lesson plan. My lecture introduces me and my friend to blend space apps during our technology class.  In the beginning, I find it difficult to adapt to the learning but with the help of my friends I manage to create my own lesson plan for my school. 

I will share my learning of blend space step by step.
1/ Create a google account.
2. Go to google search and type Blend space.
3.  Then look for " Tes teach with Blend space it frees
4.  Look for "New Lesson " words which will be on your left.
5. Click into it
6. You will 6 boxes in blue colour written " Enter the lesson title"
7.  You choose your finding in youtube, google search or other just drag and drop your lesson.
8. I will how the boxes look alike.    This is my lesson plan which I created for my class.  Please do login for a better view.

How Does Blendspace Fit?
Blendspace is a tool that provides many possibilities and initially I used it as a method of curating resources and flipping my classroom. There are similar tools available, and regardless of which you choose, having one place to keep your resources is a really great idea. So how do you make the decision of which to rely on?
